I was recently a part of a school trip to the Maasai Mara and I have to say the Maasai Mara is absolutely breathtaking. I am going to use that term a lot in this post (breathtaking) because that was the only way to describe the mara.

The trip was courtesy of Amor Nature Trail which is a travel and tours company. The company offers affordable pricing for any trip you might want to take, whether it is to the Mara or to the coast they have you covered. Since it was a school trip the purpose of the trip was education but even so I got to see some really spectacular scenery.

A quick history lesson

The Maasai Mara National reserve is located in the Great rift valley in Narok county. It is the home of what I like to call the 8th wonder of the world, ‘The wildebeest migration’ .It is also home to the big five with the largest number of black rhinos in Africa.

I did get to see a few members of the big five. A lioness was actually hiding in the bushes but before I could snap a picture she ran off. Perhaps the highlight of my day was this moment right here when we went for a game drive inside the park. It was so peaceful and the most beautiful scene I have ever seen.

Seeing the elephants during golden hour when the rays of the sun were piercing through the clouds can only be described by one word, BREATHTAKING.

Now seeing this scene is one thing but able to capture this moment was incredible. This picture will forever be evidence that for about 30 seconds the world stopped, it was perfect and I was able to capture it.

One of our other stopovers was at the Keekrok Sun Africa lodge.

I will not bore you with the details abou what we learnt here but I have to say, if you are ever thinking of going to the mara , you might want to consider staying at this world class hotel. It is centered right at the heart of maasai mara and as if that was not enough ,did I mention they have buffalos in their backyard , how cool is that?

Ps there are so many lodges, hotels and campsites at the mara to choose from

If you asked me why I had never been to the Mara before, I could not even give you a solid answer considering the fact that my school is in the same county as this breathtaking place. As Kenyans we are not typical tourists of our own parks and game reserves.

What exactly is my point here? What am tyring to put across is that the game reserves, the parks ,the mountains all the lovely scenery feature in our country is not only for people from the USA or German it is for you too, a Kenyan citizen. This trip really challenged me to save up and start travelling. There is so much beauty to see in this contry, I plan to see it all and so should you.

This may have been my first time in The Maasai Mara but definitely not the last.

Till we meet againWith love,Njamby